Google: fixing bugs is dumping people?
Story of dotted emails Around 3-6 months ago, I've started getting email from Facebook for a certain other person on my dsegan account on gmail (only forwarded to my other email, and barely used)....
View ArticleХм, хм, Пејпал све ближи?
Од 7. септембра ће почети да важи нови уговор са корисником у којем се помиње и Србија и то у зони „Европа 2“ (као и Босна, Хрватска,...). Па, свратићемо на Пејпал.ком 7. септембра, а ако ни то не...
View Articleintltool 0.50 released
So, with a few patches already in lp:intltool, I've had some time today to go through all the existing patches attached to bugs and see if I can get them into landable state. The result is an intltool...
View ArticleRouting git clone over "dumb" HTTP?
Doing 'git clone' over either of git:// or http:// backed by git-http-backend results in big memory usage for big repositories (mostly in 'compressing objects' phase). This means that you can usually...
View ArticleYou don't have to pick your battles. You just need to accept losing.
(Oh yes, I know about the positive stance of "you should not accept losing", but if you believe in that, you haven't engaged in enough battles yet :)
View ArticleТрајање ауторских права у Србији
Ауторска права у Србији пре 21. века Почетком двадесетог века, у Србији је на снази био Аустроугарски Закон о ауторским правима на дела књижевности, уметности и фотографије [1895] од 26. децембра...
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